Nicrly done
Great job with this one. I really hate cults, and I already knew of this one but did not know what they belive in other than aliens and crap. Hope to see more.
Nicrly done
Great job with this one. I really hate cults, and I already knew of this one but did not know what they belive in other than aliens and crap. Hope to see more.
You could of taken this idea and made the movie so much better. You could of added color better animation, possible sounds and it would of been an okay flash. I don't think this will survive just because it probly took you about 4 hours to make, and few people on newgrounds are willing to let this slide.
Not bad
Always a good and funny thing trying to talk away a child's innocense. I did it to my neice, but not like that. Mostly she just picked up hell and shit, when she would watch me doing stuff. Anyway good job, like the animation it was smooth.
I just want you to know your a god!
Needs more work.
You suck, you could of made something good with those hotdogs and cats but you threw it away like a lead rake. For shame on you!
Way to read over the review guidelines.
Not bad.
Alot better than most coming on to this site. I can tel some effort was put into this. But I would have given it a much higher rating if there were actually arms and legs. For some reason people belive they do not exist lately.
Wow. ummmm..... That was.... very..... Compelling. Yes it was a very nicly done flash very orginal and nice ryhme. A little disturbing but very well done.
My goal is too make two lines famous, one "Haza" i will say this IF and only if i liked it and i hope to see more from you. And two "kudos for you!" As in one of the best flashes i've ever seen.
Age 36, Male
Not where you are
Joined on 1/9/05